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I was traumatized by a rapist as a kid, and unable to establish my sexual identity when I should have, many years ago. Sieg's confusion reminded me of my own, way back when. And suddenly, I recognized MYSELF as a kid, like Sieger, with a crush on another boy. However, this wonderful film got me thinking. When I posted this review several days ago, if asked 'are you gay,' my answer WAS 'I still don't know for sure, so I'd have to say 'I don't know.' NOT any more.

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You need to know, this film changed my life. No, this is not the usual review, of how great the movie was made, the acting, blahblahblah. With other things going on in my life, I said 'why not?' I bought the DVD, and even before the great ending, had learned a lot.

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Two males together? Watch such a movie? Hated the thought. Healing? Yes, if a situation develops that will make you think about yourself, because this film is all about L-O-V-E.

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